Science Atlantic 2022-23 Yearbook
Science Atlantic is an organization that connects post-secondary science communities across Atlantic Canada. They have 10 divisions and 13 post-secondary member institutions, including Dalhousie University.

Every year, Science Atlantic distributes approximately 75 awards to students with exemplary oral and poster presentations on scientific topics at their conferences. The student yearbook is a way to showcase student achievement and create a directory of promising students for future employers to reference.

Awards are grouped by scientific division for ease of browsing. Host institutions are acknowledged on each conference's title page.

I chose to break away from traditional yearbook formatting and structure the document closer to a scientific magazine. This way, the topic each student presented at the conference is clear and readers have context for why each award was won.

Certain awards are presented on behalf of another organization or in memorial for a certain person. An explanation is provided for each of these awards under the student's abstract.
The document can be viewed in full here.