Envirobyte Inc is a company that develops software for regulatory emissions reporting.
I was asked to design a logo that was futuristic and minimalist.

I collaborated with the company's founders to further develop their brand positioning and create a cohesive brand identity for an innovative tech start up dedicated to making regulatory emissions reporting more efficient and transparent.
EmissionX and OpenPEMS are two of the applications they've developed.

Different rotations of the logomark incorporate symbolism that reflects the company's values. The tree represents emissions capture, and the mouse pointer is for software development. Pac-man represents data ingestion, and is included because of the founder's love of the character.
The mouse pointer rotation of the logo was selected for visual balance and to create a clear division between logo and text when it is used as a favicon.

Selected slides from a client pitch deck.

Infographics made to support website material. The first graphic explains the high-level steps followed when deploying data analytics. The second explains the use of data analytics in software development.

Infographic created for educational material. It demonstrates what is covered under Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions and how they apply to upstream and downstream business activities.

Infographic created for website and presentation use. It explains how emissions industry data is collected, processed, and applied.